I use so much cotton swab that it "pierced" the skull | Chronic


Jasmine, a 37-year-old Australian has used cotton swabs (cotton swabs, cotton swabs) every night to clean her ears. However, over the years, she developed a terrible infection that had been detected shortly before.

Although this seems like a harmless and even healthy hygiene habit, the consequences of his routine completely changed his life, since he never imagined what it would cause: a bacterium ate part of his skull bone and was already traveling to his brain.

So was the region of his ear.

The woman stated that she had gone to the doctor when she had noticed that she was losing hearing and that she was feeling pain.

For years, he lived with a noise in his left ear, but when he noticed that he was not listening to his children of 10 and 8 years old, he decided to move on a medical examination. Doctors prescribed antibiotics for an infection, but did not improve, quite the contrary.

When he noticed that there was blood on the cotton swab with which he wiped his ears a night, a specialist performed a scanner. It was at that time that they discovered that he had a bacterial infection that had gnawed his skull behind the ear and that while he kept moving, he could eat up to his brain.

He underwent surgery during which the doctors removed the infected tissue and reconstructed his ear cbad during a procedure lasting five hours.

Jasmine and her children.

The specialist explained that by introducing the swabs so deep and so often into his ears, cotton fibers lodged inside and, over the years, began to rot, bringing the spider to the surface. bone of the skull behind the left ear was as thin as a sheet of paper. In the absence of badistance, the next step is a fatal brain infection.

Despite the operation, Jasmine's audience was permanently affected. She explains: "I'm very scared to know that my simple hygiene gesture could have cost me my life."


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