"I was disappointed and two days later I woke up in intensive care" | Chronic


Candela Saccone, the 15-year-old who was hospitalized in intensive care in the Dominican Republic, granted an interview to cronica.com.ar during his treatment at the sanatorium of Los Arcos, in the Palermo district of Buenos Aires. "It was a complicated and very difficult stage, but I was able to leave thanks to the efforts and support of my family," he said.

After spending 15 days in a hospital in Santo Domingo, the girl presented improvements and could be transferred to a plane in Argentina. This Thursday evening, she arrived in her country and was transferred to the clinic in Buenos Aires. "I am very excited and grateful, I really wanted to come back, the rest of my family miss me, my house, sleep in my bed, be with my things"he counted.

Although her wishes to return home to Villa Ballester, a city in Buenos Aires, are dormant, the youngest said that she still had not spoken to the doctors about her return home and was declared: "I do not know how long I'll be here, they just start with the tests."

I also read: A hospitalized teenager in the Dominican Republic withdrew a respirator

He then recounted the most difficult moments he experienced during his treatment: "I only remember that I decompensated myself in the hotel clinic and two days later I woke up in intensive therapy.When I opened my eyes, my parents were very excited and m & rsquo; Have told what happened. " It was really amazing, I could not understand The problem was so serious. "

Despite the complications, she said she never lost hope and that the key to progress was family support. "We were all together, they were with me, this force helped me fight"he said.

With regard to the media repercussion, he stated that "I did not know that his case had been overtaken by all the national media" and revealed that, when she had recovered, she had grabbed her father's phone and had investigated what they had published about him. "It was very exciting, bizarre, crazy, my friends have sent me screen shots of the news, they have published articles, they have added photos on Instagram, j & rsquo; Had excellent support from everywhere "he badured.

I also read: Teenage girl interned in Santo Domingo experiences "small improvements"

Candela was decompensated on June 19 on the last day of her vacation in Punta Cana and was transferred to Canela Medical Center 1, where doctors diagnosed her with diabetic ketoacidosis, a serious complication of type 1 diabetes in which body produces excesses. acids in the blood.

In addition, Candela had cerebral edema and defects in the kidneys, which is why her diversion was decided at the general hospital of Plaza de la Salud, in Santo Domingo, about 195 kilometers, that society Assist Card initially refused to realize but that after the viralization of the case in social networks, he decided to face and finalized three days later.


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