I was going to hunt rhinoceros but I was attacked by a …


In Kruger National Park, South Africa, a rhinoceros poacher was attacked by an elephant and devoured by a herd of lions. After two days of searching for the reserve, only the skull and the remains of the man's trousers were found.

Everything happened April 1, when a group of men illegally entered the park to hunt the rhino, an endangered species.

"An elephant attacked and killed one of the hunters," said Brigadier Leonard Hlathi. "His accomplices claimed to have taken his body to the road so that pbaders-by could find him the next morning, and then disappeared from the park," Hlathi added.

The hunters escaped from the place and told him what happened to a family member of the victim, who reported it to the police.

The Kruger Park guards searched the man in vans and with the help of helicopters, but were unable to locate him, as the raking began almost in the light, has hindered the task, according to the British newspaper The Guardian.

Meanwhile, on April 4, a group of police and forest rangers found the remains of the hunter. "What was found in the scene suggests that a flock of lions has devoured the remains, leaving only a human skull and pants," said Isaac Phaahla, general manager of communications at Kruger National Park .

In the meantime, three of the victim's accomplices were arrested and charged with possession of unlicensed firearms, poaching conspiracies and illegal entry into Kruger Park.


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