“I was the victim of the biggest legal lie”, says …


From Brazil

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva today thanked the solidarity of Argentine President Alberto Fernández, during his first press conference after regaining his political rights due to the cancellation of the astute sentences in the Lava Jato case. In his presentation to reporters, the former president of Brazil said he was “victim of the biggest legal lie”.

“I cannot fail to thank President Alberto Fernandez who had the decency and courage, when he was a candidate, to visit me at the federal police in Curitiba”, Lula said of the trip that the current Argentine president performed so far in 2019.

The former president of Brazil recalled that on this occasion he had asked Fernández “not to give an interview so as not to be hurt by the Argentine right, and he said to me ‘Lula I have no problem with what the right says be in solidarity with you ”.

In addition, said Lula, Fernández was ‘the first to call me’ after the Supreme Court overturned Lava Jato’s convictions. After rewarding the actions of the Argentine President, the head of the PT also thanked Pope Francis.

The former Brazilian president gave the press conference to the ABC Metallurgists Union, in San Bernardo do Campo, an industrial cordon in São Paulo. This is the same place where he was arrested in connection with the now quashed cases.

“I was the victim of the biggest legal lie,” Lula said when he began his speech and after asking permission to remove his red mask. In his presentation, he paid a “tribute to the victims of the coronavirus” and said that President Jair Bolsonaro’s administration a “real mistake” in public health.

A president doesn’t have to say “fake news” and talk about liberalizing arms sales, Lula said. With a bit of sarcasm, the leader of the Workers’ Party also recommended that Bolsonaro learn that “the earth is round”. And he suggested that he stop following the advice of the far-right ideologue, Olavo de Carvalho, an astrologer considered to be a kind of guru of the president and his environment.


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