"I was waiting for my turn to die," revealed one of the survivors of the attack in New Zealand | Chronic


"I thought my turn would die." Terrible was the testimony of one of the survivors of the bombing perpetrated in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, who played the role of death in an attempt to mislead the terrorist. Meanwhile, the victims were honored by the community on Sunday.

Abdul Kadir Ababora I was at the mosque when the shooting started. Of course, he was going to die, he fell to the ground and hid under a rack full of Korans. He became the dead man, convinced that Brenton Tarrant, 28, would go for him anytime.

For several minutes, he heard the Australian extremist methodically execute the congregation gathered in the Al Noor Mosque. He has trouble explaining that he is still alive. "It's a miracle," he says, before adding: "When I opened my eyes, there were only corpses everywhere."

At the same time, local authorities increased the number of people killed on Friday in two mosques in Christchurch, on the southern island of Brenton, to 50, who declared himself a fascist and white supremacist. The subject shot on the other on the paralyzed bodies, perpetrating a mbadacre that he recorded and broadcast live on social networks.

Abdul Kadir Ababora, 48, is an Ethiopian immigrant working as a taxi driver. Two weeks ago, he and his wife celebrated the birth of her third child. The man who felt the air of the bullets pbad nearby revealed: "I was waiting for my turn. He told me both times: the next is for me, the next is for me and I have lost all hope.

Tarrant had left behind one of his chargers, in which there was an inscription of Nazi symbols, as described by Ababora. "New Zealand is no longer safe", concluded.


Hundreds of residents of Christchurch, capital of the state of Canterbury, left their homes this Sunday to lay flowers and letters in memory of the 50 dead during the mbadacre. "We are with our Muslim brothers and sisters"read on a huge banner placed on a sea of ​​flowers in front of one of the mosques.

In addition, a wave of solidarity crossed the country, always moved, with millions of dollars in donations and halal food for the victims. Meanwhile, the New Zealand government began restoring to relatives the remains of the 50 people murdered during the attack. In addition, the authorities have asked for patience for the forensic scientists to conclude with the identification of corpses.

Relatives asked to speed up the process to comply with Muslim funeral rites, which provide for a 24-hour period. For this Wednesday, we expect that all bodies have been returned.


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