"I whipped them, I will not let myself pre-score," said Patricia Bullrich about the incident in Uruguay.


Patricia Bullrich criticized the woman who had reprimanded her for a long weekend while eating in a bar in Colonia, Uruguay, who had blamed her for Santiago Maldonado. He admitted that he insulted her and said that "the attitude of the woman does not fit".

She explained that she was with her husband and escorted by a federal police guard at the bar "La Pasiva", and that when they were about to leave, two couples got up and went started screaming after her. Afterwards, he learned that they were activists of Workers Party (PO).

"They asked me where was Maldonado, aggressively ", she said, and said that a woman reprimanded her and that she insulted her. The activist's accusations were for the young man who was gone for 78 days and that he died drowned in the Chubut River after the operation of the gendarmerie aimed at expelling a demonstration of members of the Mapuche community on Highway 40 in 2017.

The official reacted to the insult. "I had a bit of a strong word about their attitude, I badped them, because It seems to me that what they did does not fit. I'm not going to let myself pre-score, "he said in a dialogue with Radio La Red.

He explained that the rest of the Argentineans who were at the helm stood for his defense. "The other customers got up to stop them, which I thought was very good," he said. I consider that "Many Argentines came to defend the truth," After recalling that the 55 experts who participated in the Maldonado autopsy agreed that the body had not been dragged or manipulated.

He said that he did not think it was an "organized escrach". "I entered this place as I could have done it to anyone else, and they figured out who I was, because a lot of people greet me and ask me to take photos with me, "he said.


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