IAPA worries about the judicial resolution that would affect Diario Popular


April 1, 2019
– 22.04

As part of the meeting of the Inter-American Association of Press and Media Reporting in Argentina, the reporter worried about a court resolution that would affect Impreba, editor of Diario Popular .

In the framework of the meeting of Inter-American Press Association and in the report on the media in Argentina, the journalistic entity expressed concern for a judicial resolution that would affect Impreba, the editor of Popular newspaper.

In this respect, the SIP stresses that following an individual's legal claim for legal fees and the attempt to apply debt determination formulas out of the economic realm, he may end up devoting himself to an abuse of confiscation virtual about the badets of the company.


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The situation is worrisome as long as it can threaten the continuity of a journalistic medium, the livelihood of an informative voice and the maintenance of many sources of work.

It should be noted in connection with the judicial decision that the most troubling is the unusual, abusive and confiscatory claim of wanting to apply an interest of more than 30% a year in pain to a sentence, whereas in reality it does not not exceed 1 or 2% per year. .

A judicial declaration of the Civil Chamber of Appeal House J, integrated by the judges Beatriz Alicia Verón, Marta del Rosario Mattera and Patricia Barberiwhich protects the sense of justice, otherwise jobs would be lost and the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press would be affected.


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