"If Cristina wins, she will arm the popular militias and Argentina will be like Venezuela"


Councilor Jaime Durán Barba compared the criminal activity of the Chavez militias to the activism that accompanies the former president Cristina Kirchner

In his weekly column of the newspaper Perfil, political advisor Jaime Durán Barba compared the criminal activity of the Chavez militias to the activism that accompanies the former president Cristina Kirchner.

"Those Who Commit Mbad Murders in Venezuela Are Revolutionary Paramilitary Guards. If Cristina wins the elections, amends the Constitution, she announces, and arms brave bars, her militants Vatayón of prisoners, motorcycles and drug gangs to kill their opponents, we would have a similar guard, "he said. warned Ecuador.

And he was encouraged to go further. "SI radicalize his revolutionary position could directly participate in drug trafficking as do military leaders Venezuelan, stop the judges who fight the crime announced by one of his spokespersons and grant a preventive amnesty to all the murderers and drug traffickers, "he said.

The crisis in Argentina prevents Macri from campaigning with the economy. It is for this reason that the constituency teams that run Marcos Peña and Durán himself have chosen three other axes: the "return" of Argentina to the world and the fight against terrorism. drug trafficking and corruption.

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