If he tells you any of these phrases, he may be cheating on you, experts say | the Chronicle


A report from the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, indicated that between 13 and 16% of people between the ages of 20 and 30 cheated on their partner. Corn, How do you know if your boyfriend / girlfriend is cheating on you?

Different dating experts have indicated what are the signs that indicate that your partner is committing infidelity.

In the book “When? The science of finding the right time”, of Daniel H. Rose, explains that people tend to be unfaithful after a decade; to 29, 39, 49 and so on.

Assumptions: “In the hypothetical case”

If your partner has given you a “what if” guess … you should consider that he is really not happy with the trajectory of the relationship.

“When the idea of ​​sleeping with someone is in the air, I often hear from a member of the couple what type of person they like, a certain place, a time of day they would like to do it or even maybe. appoint someone directly “, he assured Racine Henri, Ph.D., owner of a relationship therapy business in New York City. Henry warns that these hypothetical questions often lead to “involuntary horns”.

Change of look

“Do you like my new haircut?” “If your boyfriend or girlfriend has had the same hairstyle for ten years, but one day comes home with a drastic change, it could be a sign that he wants to impress someone else, has he? -he declares. Jonathan bennett, couple counselor.

People get a makeover when they want a promotion at work, when they reach a significant age (30, 40 or 50)… or when they start a new relationship. Therefore, if the person has put on makeup when they have never done so or if your boyfriend has taken off his beard for years, it is because “I needed new tunes”.

You never know where your partner is

If your answer is “Actually, I don’t know. I’m guessing at work or have no idea,” here is something that is not working well. A person in a committed and serious relationship should be able to tell anyone where their partner is when they are not together. However, someone who is about to cheat on the other (intentionally or not) will stop explaining to their spouse, if only to try and forget that they have it first.


If your partner challenges you all the time for nonsense, it is because he is thinking of cheating on you, because he is usually the one who is wrong. Often times, he is also the one who tries to bring the other down and cause problems by feeling guilty about his own thoughts or actions.

Unfaithful people often have a great conscience which causes them to have sudden mood swings. Suddenly your partner is very gentle and attentive to you, and the second he crosses paths with someone who is totally aggressive or aggressive, it’s because something is wrong.

Bethany Ricciardi, a sex and relationship expert, assured that “Your partner may feel better if they make you feel bad about yourself. If he is more hostile and aggressive without a reasonable explanation, you might want to sit down with him to assess where you are at and see if there is a cure or not ”.

Still busy

So suddenly the usual excuse is: “Sorry, I didn’t answer you because I had a lot of things to do at work”, to worry. The same if before he instantly answered or worried about you every hour and now nothing is an unequivocal sign that something bad is happening.

IF also “has new schedules”, “meetings” late at night, “business trips” on weekends, “conferences which you must go by obligation” … And in addition you ask for details on your professional commitments and he answers you with escapes and without looking you in the eye, it’s very clear, they are deceiving you.

Changes in sexual relations

In the event that when it comes to having sex, your partner is already less livid or does not behave as always, it is because he already has new nights with another person. If before she wanted to be with you every night and now she always has something to do, or now she wants to have sex a lot more than before, it’s because she feels guilty and doesn’t want you. find out.


A person’s insecurities can interfere with their relationships in several important ways. If your partner tells you “I feel like you don’t like me” O “You don’t value me enough”, then this could be a possible sign of mistrust. A person who feels this will not only wonder if they are worthy to be with someone and create problems that are not there, but will also seek validation elsewhere, that is, by sleeping with someone else. other people. By doing this, you are looking to increase their self-confidence and confirm that they are good enough without considering the effects it might have on their relationship.

“You’re cheating on me”

Ironically, an easy way to tell if your spouse is cheating on you is how often they accuse you of cheating: “You are cheating on me, for sure. “This is often a sign of self-competence, and it will blame you as well, always causing me to be defensive and distracted.”Ricciardi reflects. “It’s quite manipulative … because they get so angry during the conversation that you start to think that they hate infidelity and that they never would, when in fact they do. ‘have already done “he added.

University of Chicago National Opinion Research Center.


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