if the elections were held today, Alberto Fernández would earn nearly 53%


After the overwhelming victory of the entire World Front Together for the change of the STEP, the distance between Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernández would be prolonged. A new survey helped to ensure that if the elections were held today, the candidate would be elected at a difference of almost 20% compared to the party in power.

The study of the circuit showed that the formula Fernández-Fernández would be imposed by 52.9% more than 33.8% of the companies Macri and Miguel Ángel Pichetto. In third place, Roberto Lavagna and Juan Manuel Urtubey are located with 7.7%.


Alberto Fernández exceeds 50% and beats Macri by 20 points

Source: Circuits

According to the survey, the reasons for such a difference are due to the poor situation of the country and the lack of prospect of improvement. 48.5% felt that the situation in the country was very bad and 20.5% was bad. That is to say, Nearly seven out of ten Argentineans see the aquatic context in a negative way, compared with only 10% who consider it to be good or very good.

Source: Circuits

But the prospects do not help the government either. 23.1% said the economic situation would worsen and 22.4% would worsen a lot. At the same time, 21.2% felt it would stay the same and only 19% would improve it.

Source: Circuits

This bad political and economic context has worked as an anvil to Let's face change the October 27 general election, whose campaign will officially start tomorrow.


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