If you eat a lot of trans fat, Alzheimer's disease is waiting for you


People with high levels of trans fat in the blood can be between 50% and 75% more opportunities to develop Alzheimer's disease or any type of dementia, according to data collected in a study conducted by Japanese scientists

The study analyzed over 1600 Japanese men and women around 70, who have not suffered any type of dementia, for a period of 10 years. At the beginning of the follow-up, an analysis of their diet was carried out and the levels of trans fats were measured, says El Confidencial.

By adjusting conditioning factors, such as blood pressure, diabetes or smoking, after 10 years it has been concluded that people with high levels of Trans fats were between 52 and 74% more likely to develop dementia than those with the lowest levels.

This research, published in the journal Neurology, suggests that trans fats they can cause harmful inflammation and accumulation of a protein called amyloid, which are related to dementia.

"The study used levels of blood markers of trans fatty acids instead of the most used dietary questionnaires, which increases the scientific validity of the results," said the neurologist at CNN News. Richard Isaacson, Director of the Alzheimer's Disease Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, USA, did not participate in the study.

Toshiharu Ninomiya, Kyushu University, Japan and lead author of the study, recalled thatThe World Health Organization called for the elimination of trans fatty acids in the world in 2023. These public health efforts have the potential to help prevent dementia worldwide, not to mention decreasing heart disease and other trans-fatty acid-related conditions. "

Trans fats are naturally present in small amounts in dairy products such as cheese and cream or meat. However, the most dangerous version is in the products that come from it because of an industrial process, when liquid vegetable oils are converted into solid fats.

These fats can improve the taste and shelf life of processed foods and are also used by some bakery manufacturers. They are generally present, among others, in frozen products (cannelloni, pizzas, ice cream), fried or breaded products, crisps, biscuits, industrial pastries or fast foods.

In the Japanese study, the researchers found that Pastry is the one that has contributed the most to high levels of trans fatfollowed by margarine, sweets, croissants and ice cream.


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