If you have children, you can not sleep well before the age of six


A famous sketch of Luthiers He said that "children are the joy of living". Although we do not doubt this statement, this time we do not have good news to give you. Do researchers from the University of Warwick (UK), the German Institute for Economic Research and the University of West Virginia (USA) have discovered how the arrival of a child affects the sleep of his parents and when the situation is normalized.

According to the results published in the scientific journal The sleep, the satisfaction and duration of sleep are severely affected after the birth of a baby. The greatest decrease of these factors occurs when the small shoot is 3 months old.

With regard to gender, the study indicates that women are more affected than men, whether they badfeed or not. In this direction, they lose on average one hour of sleep per night, compared to time before pregnancy. Men, only 15 minutes.

Until now, the results are known, especially if you have had children. However, there is another conclusion that even surprised scientists. The sleep habits of the parents only return to normal when the children reach the age of 6 years.

"Our results show a reality: that Moms are increasingly taking on the role of primary caregiverscompared to parents, "said Sakari Lemola, one of the authors of the book, in dialogue with foreign media, however," men and women are deprived of sleep for a period of up to six years after birth, "he added.

Of course, the average time lost per night is not constant. As children get older, the loss of sleep decreases. When boys are between 4 and 6 years old, parents continue with a reduction of 15 minutes but mothers improve their situation: their average is already 20 minutes less and less than before pregnancy.

"The short-term effects of birth were already known and our investigation confirmed them. we did not expect rest problems to be maintained for six years"Confessed the scientist.

Since today it is the World Day of SleepWe do not want to divulge you with this information. An encouraging element of the article is that the decrease in rest affects new parents more than those who already have children. But if that's not enough, here are five tips for kids to fall asleep and seven rules of sleep hygiene to apply to adults.

remember that lack of rest can lead to health problemsespecially when it comes to the heart. If, after that, you still have trouble falling asleep, you can try the scientific method used by American soldiers to fall asleep in less than two minutes.


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