Iguacel wants more operators in Vaca Muerta


The Minister of Energy of the Nation, Javier Iguacel, has completed his 48 hour tour through various depots of the Vaca Muerta formation with a message inside the industry, to clarify its position in favor of the presence of a greater number of operators.

The atomization of Vaca Muerta is for many important players in the segment, not only a necessary tool for the final takeoff of development, but also the main difference with the way United States quickly developed its unconventional resources among medium-sized companies.

With about 30,000 square kilometers in Vaca Muerta, there are 44 operators working there, but of this total, the group of the ten largest companies account for 70% of the area.

Iguacel visited two other oil blocks on his second day in Neuquén. This time, the area of ​​San Roque operated by French Total in collaboration with Pan American Energy (PAE) to end in the Bajada area of ​​Palo where Vista Oil & Gas has made its first four-well drilling for oil # 39; shale oil

"Independent companies are already investing in Vaca Muerta.We need a lot more startups to get all the oil and gas that is in Vaca Muerta, and take full advantage of its potential" , said Iguacel on social networks

. execution that allowed them to develop projects and generate results quickly in Vaca Muerta. Gutiérrez, after the tour, said that Vaca Muerta "is the oil and gas we need in Argentina to grow, meet domestic market requirements and get back on the export track." In addition, he claimed that "he has present, past and future, and in this future he has no ceiling."

He expressed that the activity of Vaca Muerta is "united and genuine because it generates not only gas work, but also generates a revolution to take, every day, more construction workers" and has points out that "this agreement we are making, has a new historical date: September 1st, when we will export new gas to Chile.This implies integration, progress and development."

"Vaca Muerta is the oil and gas we need in Argentina to grow, meet domestic demand and export again. "

Omar Gutiérrez, Governor of the Province of Neuquén


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