ILO: Women in managerial positions increase business profitability by 20%


The presence of a greater number of women in senior management "improves business performance, increasing their profitability by up to 20%, while accelerating innovation and attracting talented professionals" , says the document.

On the situation in Argentina, the investigation "Women in Business Management: Arguments for Change", systematized data for 2017 and revealed that in small businesses, the presence of guidelines is 9.5%, that of media 4.7% and that of large companies 6.9%.

The badysis was based on the experience of 13,000 companies in 70 countries and revealed that 60% benefited from the work of women in management positions, in terms of profits, creativity and reputation.

"About a third of the companies surveyed that promote gender diversity in management positions have experienced an increase in their results ranging from 5% to 20%, a percentage in most companies between 10% and 15%." revealed the ILO.

Jae-Hee Chang, one of the authors of the study, has the additional benefit of "increasing the number of top, middle, and low-level administrators," said Jae-Hee Chang.

"The higher you look in the board of directors of a company, the less likely it is that a woman's name will be found, because less than a third of the board's meetings have a female participation of 30% ", indicates the badysis.

For her part, Deborah France-Mbadin, Director of the ILO Bureau for Employers' Activities, stressed that "it is obvious that there are still fewer women in the highest positions than in the the repertoire of a company, the less likely it is to find the name of a woman. "However, France-Mbadin was considered" optimistic "and hopes that these results" will serve to open the eyes of employers ".


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