"I'm addicted to sex, I slept with six guys at night, but I decided to change for my son" – 03/09/2019


"Sex controls me and my life, I allow it, but I'm afraid that someday it will destroy me." The addiction is eating me up. I'm never satisfied, I always want more. Every action I do is for the sake of bad. "

This is just an excerpt from the book "Diary of a bad addict" in which Laurie Woodruff confesses her illness and tells how she decided to profoundly change her life. Shame and stigmatization of women those who suffer from this problem are some of the obstacles that had to be overcome to give a resounding turn to his life.

Laurie Jade Woodruff had bad with six men at a time during a badual party in Liverpool. Everything happened while her partner was watching her.

Laurie Jade Woodruff had bad with six men at a time during a badual party in Liverpool. Everything happened while her partner was watching her.

The text, based on the struggles of the 30-year-old British mother, highlights the internal psychology and struggle of an addict in today's society. Your goal? He hopes that other addicts will be able to learn from his "raw" story reported in a "brutally honest" manner.

"I put bad on top of everything: my career, my friendships, my well-being, I never lost my head," he confessed in dialogue with The Sun and explaining its weak point: "Sexual addiction manifests itself in different ways." For me, it was looking for potentially dangerous encounters and return to the same destructive relationships again and again. "

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As he confessed, Laurie slept with so many men (between 100 and 200) that he lost count of his number of conquests. It all began at age 12, when this obsession began to take over. "I lost my virginity when I was younger and even though I knew something was wrong, I could not stop it, my desires spreading to two bades. "

"I place bad above all else: my career, my friendships, my well-being, I'm never lost in my mind," says the author.

Already at age 20, Woodruff has experienced one of the most extreme experiences when he has had bad with six men at a time during a badual party in Liverpool. Everything happened while her partner was watching her.

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At that moment, everything had become uncontrollable: "I slept with several men a week and I did not even want to do it. ""I felt unable to control my desires and would resort to bad to calm myself down all the time," he added.

"Sexual addiction manifests itself in a variety of ways, for me it was potentially dangerous encounters," Laurie said.

Time pbaded but his life could not be on the right track. Woodruff met men to have bad simply because they had sent greetings on social networks. I did not even use dating apps to find a partner, because they came to her.

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The author noted that the "six big couples" she knew did not last long. because his clbadmates could not tolerate his promiscuity.

He had six big couples but lost them because of his addiction.

He had six big couples but lost them because of his addiction.

That's why he separated from Ian, his last partner, and from Henry's father, the 18-month-old baby. This child was the reason for the radical change in his life.

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Laurie realized that she needed help when, instead of giving priority to her son, "I was too busy being obsessed with bad " and sleep with men who controlled her.

"To be dominated has always pleased me, but I became the slave of this kind of people"he said.

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The madness reached the level of harbadment of two men who did not leave her alone and that is when she reacted. "I realized that I had to give priority to my son and enter the group of badual addicts. "The famous program in 12 steps.

Many of the women he met there had problems similar to those of drug abuse, including dysfunctional families and abusive relationships.

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Laurie based her book on a newspaper that covers the lowest points of her life. There he says that now his life is different, that he has not had bad for four months and that his salvation began when he began to "accept" himself.

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"I am a badual person, I have always been, and I will always be, and there is no shame in that," Laurie added.. "But I found a way to channel excessive badual energy to other thingslike my career. Before, my addiction controlled me, now I control it. "



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