I’m raising my son alone because his mother didn’t want him “


The story of Luis Fernando Palacios rocked social media. This Mexican from Monterrey, who works as a nurse, told how he had to take charge of the care of his son Fabri.

In his long discharge, he explained that it all started with a fleeting love story. It was December 2017 and her life then was completely different from today. He said they got engaged quickly and his girlfriend “already had a daughter when I met her”. At the beginning, “everything was going very well” but everything changed when the positive pregnancy test came in.

“She got pregnant and I obviously agree that it was very fast and I didn’t know her much “, explained the young man and assured that from that moment, she had completely changed. Jealousy, fights in which other family members even intervened, tense discussions, the relationship was not the same and a few days later, the young woman confessed that she wanted to have an abortion.

"Even though I didn't want to and strongly disagreed, there was nothing I could do since it was her body and she decided".  Photo Luis Palacios.

“Even though I didn’t want to and strongly disagreed, there was nothing I could do since it was her body and she decided. Photo Luis Palacios.

“Although I didn’t want it and strongly disagree, she couldn’t do anything since it was her body and she decided. It was my turn to shut up and walk away, “Palacios described in his long text. There he also explained that the young woman used pills to try to terminate the pregnancy and the couple eventually broke up. However, five weeks later, the girl contacted him again.

She explained that something was wrong with her treatment and they went to the gynecologist together. “When they got there they echoed it and they confirmed to us that the pregnancy had continued and that the baby was already 18 weeks old and well formed “.

"The pregnancy had continued and the baby was already 18 weeks old and well formed".  Photo Luis Palacios.

“The pregnancy had continued and the baby was already 18 weeks old and well formed.” Photo Luis Palacios.

What followed was a destroyed couple, who, as best they could, carried the pregnancy of the child:We were two strangers with something in common (Fabri). I took her with the car, she got in and we left without speaking until we reached the gynecologist. We would go see the doctor and then I would leave her without saying a word to myself. So were the 9 months. “

Until October 31 arrived: “At 8 am, one of her relatives called me and told me that she was already in the hospital. I arrived and I had already given birth. She is left the next day, I went to pick her up, left him at his place and came to my house. Two hours passed and she arrived at my house with Fabri and all the things I had bought for her. for the baby: clothes, milk, diapers, bottles, etc. “.

"She entrusted me with the care of the baby while she recovered from childbirth.".  Photo Luis Palacios.

“She left the baby with me to take care of while she recovered from the birth.” Photo Luis Palacios.

“Everyone in my family was amazed. She entrusted me with the care of the baby while she recovered from childbirth.. He came on the third day, he only had 30 minutes and then a week passed until he came back “.

The link that ended

Mother little by little he was moving away for which Luis lodged a complaint to have full custody of the baby.

After taking the legal steps, the young man obtained the rights of his child. “We came to an agreement in which I had guardianship and custody of the baby and parental authority would be shared. I remember very well the words she said in front of the judge: “ I want it see, but I don’t want to have it. The judge was shocked and that’s when she gave me the rights “.

"We came to an agreement in which I had guardianship and custody of the baby and parental authority would be shared".  Photo Luis Palacios.

“We came to an agreement in which I had custody and custody of the baby and parental authority would be shared.” Photo Luis Palacios.

The young man explained that she had to pay a maintenance allowance of 200 pesos per week and “would have the right to see him at the established hours”. However, the bond between the woman and her son lasted only a few months.

“The last day you saw him was in March 2019. Since then, we know nothing about her, and he didn’t even speak to me to find out if Fabri is doing well or not (which I don’t care because I know he’s in good hands) ”.

In his story, which has grown in importance in recent days, he assured: “My son lacks nothing and she has a lot of maternal affection because my mother is like her mother. “

"My son lacks nothing and he has a lot of maternal affection because my mother is like his mother".  Photo: Facebook.

“My son lacks nothing and he has a lot of maternal affection because my mother is like his mother.” Photo: Facebook.

In addition, he stressed that his son had changed his life: “Many thought that maybe it had harmed or stopped my youth, but on the contrary. I have led a life of excess, I have not measured my dangers, but since it came into my life there has been a resounding change in me “.

“Maybe I don’t have much money left for me because it’s all for him, but I have had many angels who have helped me move forward. “

“I am eternally grateful to all those people who have been close to him. And my parents and my brothers who never left me alone, Without them, I would not have been able to take on so much responsibility. When I had to go to work, my mother took care of him completely, without them he would be nothing, ”he added.

At the end, he said: “Not all fathers are bad and not all mothers are good.”


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