Images of the pope imploring kneeling politicians go from mobile to mobile in South Sudan


Pope implores South Sudanese politicians not to return their country to civil war and maintain peace agreements

Pope implores South Sudanese politicians not to return their country to civil war and maintain peace agreements

"South Sudanese shocked to see Pope Francis plead with politicians South Sudan to keep the peace while kissing their feet. The videos and images of the event were broadcast in all television and published on social networks.. They go from phone to phone, Brother Elena Balatti, sister of the Comboni missionaries in Juba, capital of Southern Sudan, told Fides.

This happened on Thursday, April 11 in the afternoon, at the end of the spiritual retreat of South Sudan's political leaders in the house of Santa Marta. Pope Francis knelt before them to launch an appeal for the future which will begin on May 12th. Francisco kissed the feet of the President of the Republic, Salva Kiir Mayardit, and appointed vice-presidents, including Riek Machar and Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior. (ReL told him in detail and pictures here).

"The population greatly appreciates and appreciates the efforts of the Holy Father, bishops and the entire local church they act for peace in Southern Sudan, "says the nun.

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"We were all surprised by the insistence of Pope Francis to remind them of their responsibilities towards a people who have suffered a lot, which is why he knelt down, he did it at name of the people of southern Sudan, and it was a gesture very much appreciated by the people here, "concludes the missionary.

Five years of civil war and decades against northern Sudan

South Sudan has about 12 million inhabitants, 70% of whom are Christians(half of the Christians are Catholic) and 20% practice animistic religions. In 2011, during a referendum, he gained independence from North Sudan, Muslim religion, despised and oppressed hard non-Muslim South ethnic groups. Sadly, After independence, clashes between armed civilians between factions and ethnic groups. Although it has oil, it is one of the poorest countries in the world and almost without resources in education and health.

Pope Francis welcomed the political and religious leaders who collaborated with a proposal that had been launched by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, Primate of the Anglican Communion. The guests stayed at Casa Santa Marta, the Vatican residence where many ecclesiastics are staying in the Vatican. The goal has been strengthen the so-called "revitalized agreement on conflict resolution in South Sudan", inviting those who will be responsible from May 12th.


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