IMF acknowledges "underestimated" complex situation in Argentina


The director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, said Wednesday that the agency "underestimated a bit" the complicated "economic situation" of Argentina when she began to put implement the program with officials of the government of Mauricio Macri.

That's what the head of the international organization said at a conference organized by the American Enterprise Institute, an badysis center of the City of Washington , on the challenges of the global economy.

On the situation of the country, however, Lagarde was "optimistic" and said that "to continue the program as it is" will be "successful" for "the population and the Argentine economy".

Christine Lagarde (AP / File)

At the same time, the president of the international organization pointed out that the government of President Mauricio Macri "is very attached" to the program.

In this regard, Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne and Central Bank President Guido Sandleris will travel to Japan to attend the G-20 meeting, where they will meet with the IMF director.

Argentine officials will take advantage of the opportunity to dialogue with Lagarde, while the international organization badyzes a disbursement of 5,000 million US dollars for Argentina, scheduled for July.


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