IMF: "Argentina faces very serious macroeconomic difficulties" | Chronic


While in our country the presidential election is expected, it may or may not change the "roadmap" Politically and economically, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has already protected those that could occur in 2020, arguing that Argentina "experienced very serious macroeconomic difficulties"and estimating that its recession may be smaller than the 3.1% decline it will record this year.

According to a report, the IMF forecast for the next year a slight decline in global growth to 3.4%, 0.2% less than expected last April.

"However, unlike the synchronized slowdown, this recovery is not widespread or precarious." The growth of advanced economies would fall to 1.7% in 2019 and 2020, while the growth of emerging and developing market economies to 3 , 9% in 2019 to 4.6% in 2020 ", announced the brief.

About half of this improvement is attributable to the recovery or deeper recessions in stressed emerging markets, such as Turkey, Argentina and Iran, and for the rest to recovery in the markets. countries whose growth in 2019 was significantly lower than in 2018, such as Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Mexico, India and Russia.

Emerging market economies, which contributed in part to the expected slowdown in growth in 2019 and will mainly benefit from the recovery forecasts for 2020, are those that have been subject to acute stress or those with below-average performance.

"In particular, Argentina, Iran, Turkey, Venezuela and small conflict-affected countries, such as Libya and Yemen, have experienced very serious macroeconomic difficulties," he said. takes note of the summary of the report of the Fund.


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