IMF Executive Board meets to approve new disbursement of $ 10,870 million – 04/04/2019


The Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund is meeting this Friday for badyze the figures of the Argentine economy and approve a new disbursement of $ 10.870 million this would happen in the next few days to the Treasury.

The board of directors is made up of the executive directors of the member countries, although the vote of major economies like the United States weighs more. They will evaluate the call staff report, the technical report written by the Italian economist Roberto Cardarelli, head of the mission who made the last visit to our country to take stock of the progress of the confirmation program signed with the agency.

The meeting will take place in the morning and the directors will be able to ask specific questions to the technicians. This would be the third time that the numbers are examined and it is expected that the report will be approved without problems, which would give the go-ahead for the third disbursement, originally scheduled for March, of $ 10,870 million.

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With this money, nearly half of what is planned in the agreement of 57,600 million is reached. The IMF would allocate $ 51,200 million until December, when President Mauricio Macri's term expires.

Cardarelli published a statement a few days ago that revealed for the first time what he had discovered in February in Buenos Aires, where he had met with officials of the economy and the central bank, but also businessmen, trade unionists and opposition representatives such as Axel. Kicillof, Juan Manuel Urtubey and Roberto Lavagna.

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Cardarelli then said that "the economic activity has been weak, but that there are good prospects of gradual recovery" and that it was necessary "More restrictions" in public spending, proceeds from low tax collection.

The staff report would certainly include that, starting in April, the Treasury will sell 9,600 million dollars until the end of the year, out of 60 million calls for tenders. daily, a measure mentioned by Minister Nicolas Dujovne during his meeting with Christine Lagarde in Washington. weeks This measure will help the government put an end to dollar tensions in an election year.


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