IMF improved Argentina’s economic growth prospects | The agency said it would be 6.4% in 2021


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved Argentina’s economic growth prospects in 2021. The organism asserted that of the 5.8% estimated last April, improvement could reach 6.4 percent as a result of the increase in exports primary and the rebound in economic activity due to “speed” vaccination campaign against the coronavirus.

Argentina has benefited from an unexpected rise in the prices of its exports, with an increase in food prices at the international level. This positive effect via export prices is helping Argentina to recover, ”IMF chief economist Gita Gopinath said at a press conference. conference during which the organization presented its report on the World Economic Outlook.

At the same time, the deputy director of the Fund’s research department, Petya Koeva Brooks, pointed out that the upward revision of forecasts for Argentina it is also due to a vaccination “faster than what we had planned before” and to growth in trade, especially with Brazil “.

In this study where the Monetary Fund publishes its projections for each country, region and at the global level, it was estimated that global average growth hovers at 6% for this year, with a possible drop to 4.9 by 2022.

The, Argentina’s economy agency estimate for next year was 2.4% growth. But this estimate is still subject to a context in which, for the moment, “The gaps in the global recovery are widening”.

The IMF report noted that “the economic outlook has diverged even more between countries since the projections released in April this year,” and noted that “Access to vaccines has become the main divide along which the global recovery splits into two blocks”.

Is it so “Countries that can expect greater normalization of activity by the end of this year (almost all advanced economies) ”, and noted that they are “Those who are still facing a relapse of contagions and an increase in the number of victims of the coronavirus ”.

However, he indicated that “Recovery is not assured even in countries with very low infection rates while the virus is circulating in other countries”.


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