IMF recalculates 2019 inflation over 30%


A few hours after the last speech of President Mauricio at the beginning of the regular sessions of the National Congress, the International Monetary Fund already recalculates inflation forecasts for the country.

The agency would provide this new data on March 19, the same day an additional $ 10,700 million would be released, the first disbursement in the election year.

According to a report by the chronicler MDZ Radio, Carlos Burgueño in Field of application, the new percentage would exceed 30% per year and will be announced publicly before the spring summit that the financial institution will hold from April 12 to 14 in Washington.

Up to now, the IMF was aiming for 27% when the deal was renegotiated in September of last year, but this number will be recalculated upwards and will be closer to what private consultants are planning. .

After 2.9% in January, private consultants forecast 4% for February, 10% for the first quarter and 34% for the year.

In an interview with the Bloomberg agency, Mexican Alejandro Werner said that Argentina's inflation was "more stubborn than expected" and that the percentage should therefore be recalculated.

Washington's view is that the crisis will hit its lows in the first quarter of this year and that by April or May recessionary tension will begin to subside.

Despite this new calculation, it would not be difficult to release the US $ 10,800 million committed to the September 2019 agreement; with which the Macri government will have released the danger of default until very close to the October elections.



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