IMF to Continue Public Accounts Review | Chronic


The mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will continue next Monday with the examination of the accounts of the national state and meet the economic referents of the Front of all.

Fund representatives will continue to review the public accounts after meeting with the Minister of Finance on Saturday, Hernán Lacunza and the president of the central bank, Guido Sandleris, during a first contact with the Argentine authorities.

In addition, the head of the IMF's Western Hemisphere Department, Alejandro Werner and the head of the Argentine mission, Roberto Cardarelli, they will have a meeting in the offices of Mexico Street with the economic referents of the Frente de Todos, said friends close to the presidential candidate of this space, Alberto Fernandez.

They would attend the meeting Cecilia Todesca, William Nielsen, Emanuel Alvarez Agis and Santiago CafieroThe sources added, without specifying the time of the meeting, and recalled that Mr. Fernandez had already met with the IMF during his previous visit in June.

After Saturday's meeting, Lacunza said the government "We respect the entirety of the agreement with the IMF and nothing prevents the planned disbursement (of US $ 5.4 billion) planned not to be executed" for september

"We had a first meeting and it was very good"Lacunza added in the statements on television. At the same time, the economists of the Frente de Todos Nielsen and Todesca published last Wednesday a document in which they declared: "The Todos Front Economic Team has reiterated its concern over the decline in international reserves which, since the last disbursement of the IMF, have been reduced by more than $ 9 billion"he stressed.

Nielsen and Todesca also emphasized "to the negative impact of successive devaluation processes on inflation (?) as well as tax measures that are incompatible with the provinces and those referring to the oil sector".

However, the FdT "It has ratified its commitment to respect all the obligations and all the contracts in force, within the framework of an alternative economic model privileging price stability and the resumption of the growth and the employment".

From the private sphere, the chief economist of Elypsis consultant, Martin KalosHe said during this day that there was no risk that the IMF would refuse to disburse the $ 5.4 billion loan agreed because the government had met the targets.

"I do not think there is a risk that this $ 5.4 billion will not be paid to us." The IMF's new mission will be to ensure that the Central Bank behaves in accordance with what is established. and a budget deficit of about 0% .5% of GDP, though bad, is justifiable "Kalos told Radio Milenium.


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