IMF to unlock US $ 5,400 million for Argentina


According to the journalist Carlos Burgueño in Financial fieldIMF to disburse $ 5,400 million after meeting of the board of directors scheduled for Friday, although a week may be postponed.

In addition, the Fund has ratified the authorization to follow the plan of use of the agency's dollars. stop the shopping races. He made it at a meeting that IMF director Christine Lagarde had Saturday with Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne and the Central Executive Guido Sandleris in Japan.

The IMF released the first disbursement of 2019 in April for $ 10.8 billion. When the agreed disbursement is confirmed at the end of June, the Fund has already sent some US $ 44.6 billion to the country since last year. To complete the agreement, some US $ 12,700 million would be added to the agreement by the end of 2019, completing the US $ 57,300 million of the total subscription contracts signed with the company. agency.

Dujovne and Sandleris met on Saturday in Japan with Lagarde at a meeting in front of finance ministers and presidents of the G20 Central Bank in the Japanese city of Fukuoka

According to the international organization, Lagarde badured that the implementation of the economic program will stabilize "even more the economy" and badured that "will lay the foundation for sustainable and inclusive growth".

He also pointed out that the efforts generated grew among those who emphasized "the reduction of the budget deficit and current".

At the end of the meeting, the IMF issued a statement with statements by Lagarde in which he said: "It was a pleasure to meet today with Minister Nicolas Dujovne and Central Bank President Guido Sandleris, in Fukuoka, the evolution of the world economy and the prospects of Argentina ".


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