Imminent message? Kim Jong-Un on a white horse at Mount Paektu


The North Korean leader landed on an elegant white horse on his journey through Paektu, the sacred mountain of the Asian country, where he goes before every important change for his administration.

The official press of Kim Jong-un published epic photos in which the president ride a majestic white horse on Mount Paektua place considered sacred in the ideology of the regime and in which, according to analysts, it usually makes the most radical decisions.

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"He climbed the mountain riding a white horse on the first snow"said the KCNA news agency.

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His previous visit took place in December 2017, just before the regime chose to take a diplomatic turn in its relations with South Korea and the United States. Those of November 2014 and February 2013 preceded respectively the end of the three-year mourning period declared by the death of Kim's father, former leader Kim Jong-il, and the execution of his political uncle, number two of the diet, Jang Song-thaek.

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In the text, it is added that Kim's equestrian walk This is a major event in the history of the Korean revolution and that, during his ascent, he recalled with deep emotion the path of an arduous struggle in search of the great cause of the building of the most powerful country.


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