important mobilization against the decree of Macri


Mobilization against Macri's repressive plan and the Armed Forces – YouTube

On the rainy Thursday afternoon of Buenos Aires, the clbadic Mothers' Tour of the Plaza de Mayo was not one more. Various social, political and human rights organizations gathered at the Memory and Truth and Justice (EMVyJ) meeting came together to take the lead on the repudiation of Mauricio Macri's decree authorizing the participation of armed forces in internal security tasks. One could also see Nora Cortiñas, who is faithful to her steadfast fight against impunity of yesterday and today wore a sign that said: "Yesterday, we said NO to Milani and the anti-terrorist law , today we say NO to decree 683. NO to armed forces in the streets. "

As this Saturday, April 30, 1977 when they began to meet in front of Casa Rosada, the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo (Founding Line) have made their rounds to reject the harmful decree 683. Announced in the clandestine illegal detention center Campo de Mayo, the proposed reform deepens the direction of impunity for the army and the military. genocide while representing a repressive leap, in accordance with the recommendations of the US South Command for Latin America

"It is no coincidence that Macri dictated his anti-democratic measure a few hours after completing his meeting with Christine Lagar of, the International Monetary Fund and the G20. It is that its adjustment is not done without repression! ", Stated in a unitary document the members of the EMVyJ." In the recitals of Decree 683, Macri says that it is for "protecting the sovereignty and independence of the Nation, its integrity territorial, its natural resources, its capacity for self-determination and the protection of the life, liberty and human rights of its people inhabitants Nothing more hypocritical if any attack " national sovereignty and independence, territorial integrity, natural resources and life, liberty and human rights "are precisely the IMF, the G20 and the companies that, through the hand of the government, the false opposition and the accomplices civilians and trade unions, apply the dismissals, the low wages, the devaluation, the tariffs, the payment of the external debt to the price of the hunger of the people and plunder our territories and our common goods of One end of the country to the other! And this is not u no conflict hypothesis: it's a reality, "they said.

Sergio Maldonado and Andrea Antico participated in the event, which called for the mobilization on Wednesday August 1 to a year of brutal repression of the gendarmerie in the community of Cushamen which ended with the disappearance and subsequent death of his brother Santiago.

Now in the Plaza de Mayo: #NoALosMilitaresEnLasCalles #JusticiaPorSantiago two claims that come together.

– Frente de Izquierda (@Fte_Izquierda) July 26, 2018

After the tour of the Plaza de Mayo and reading the document, the Front de left and workers, Correpi and Venceremos were mobilized to the Ministry of Defense, located on Paseo Colón and Alsina, where other human rights organizations were concentrated such as Mothers and Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, the League of Human Rights, HIJOS, the CELS and the Human Rights Association met to repudiate the measure of the Minister Oscar "El Milico" Aguad and Mauricio Macri. One could also see the presence of CTA and organizations such as La Cámpora, Movimiento Evita and Libres del Sur among others, in a wide range that repudiated the announced reform. On the other side of the fences, a powerful police operation deployed fire hydrants and hundreds of soldiers to the ministry headquarters.

Accessed by The Daily Left Myriam Bregman refers to the FIT's proposal to repeal the decree and badured that "Macri recited another booklet dictated by Lagarde and the IMF. that the adjustment is not done without repression and they do not ignore that there is a huge social malaise that will lead to the deepening of the protest. "The legislator spokesman raises that "after the euphemism of the" strategic objectives "they hide what they want to safeguard with the Armed Forces: they do not want demonstrations in the streets, nor before the multinationals, nor where they plunder our natural resources to the detriment of the repression of indigenous peoples.The strategic goal is to suppress social protest against the deepening of adjustment. "

With the fight against repression and impunity as a flag

After the departure of the dictatorship, the trials and convictions of some of the genocidaires who acted there were uprooted by popular mobilization. The persistent struggle of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, former missing detainees, even human rights organizations with broad social support, has managed to prosecute genocide (although many benefit from the Impunity) and the military can not patrol the streets. Far from any "democratic consensus" to which the different wings of Peronism and Kirchnerism refer, it is this same struggle which puts an end to the laws of "due obedience" and "last point" and which, in May last year, facing impunity with hundreds of thousands of people who repudiate the "2×1" decision of the Supreme Court of Justice to convicted genocidaires.

Since its inauguration, the government has abundantly demonstrated its desire to deepen the Armed Forces' "reconciliation" policy with civil society. This was ratified by Mauricio Macri when he said after the announcements that these are "the armed forces of democracy", trying to hide the participation of hundreds of soldiers who participated in the genocide and who now occupy the high command, such as the former army chief Cesar Milani

You may be interested in: The FIT urges to repeal the decree and know the number of military servicemen since the dictatorship

With the economic crisis deepening more and more, the government has resolved the last days to publish the decree on the intervention of the armed forces in internal security and to announce the saturation of the police forces in the neighborhoods. conurbano, which represents a real militarization. The intention is twofold: resume the "safety" program when the economy, far from starting, deteriorates and prepare for the social consequences that will bring about the worsening of the crisis

Faced with the new looting that they are preparing under the orders of the IMF, the reinforcement of the repressive apparatus of the State is an indispensable task.

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