Imports from Brazil fell by 53.3% and the trade surplus reached 184 million US dollars.


Sales to the neighboring country were motivated by the depreciation of the peso during the second half of February and March, with the addition of larger export surpluses in the context of the recession of the Argentine economy.

Among the articles with the greatest advances were highlighted commercial vehicles, wheat and fuel.

In another axis of badysis, World exports to Brazil increased by only 4% per year, so that Argentine products managed to increase their participation in the South American giant's market.

On the import side, the contraction responded to both a the purchasing power has reached a level of activity which, in interannual terms, always remains in red, highlighted a report from Ecolatina.

In this sense, the main declines were observed in products such as pbadenger cars and cargo ships, car parts, agricultural machinery and iron laminates.

"For the remaining months of 2019, we expect bilateral trade to continue to recover for our country, although this dynamic is gradually showing signs of slowing down", indicated in Ecolatina.

In this way, the year would end with a virtually balanced trade balance (-100 million dollars) thanks to an increase in exports of about 9% i.a. and a decrease in imports of the order of 18% i.a.

With regard to imports, Ecolatina pointed out that "The evolution of the exchange rate in an uncertain election year and its effect on the purchasing power and the level of activity will be determining. In addition, as the year progresses, the fundamentals more limited comparisons left by the last leg of 2018 will bring down the drop in imports. "

On the export side, an additional factor must be taken into account: the Brazilian market has reduced its growth forecast for 2019 in recent weeks (from 2.5% to 2%), which indicates that its demand could would not show growth as large as a few months ago, the report says.


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