Impressive "Ice Tsunami" on the Niagara River: What it is and how it was generated


Hurricane winds of 119 km / h caused the overflow of the frozen surface of Lake Erie and the Niagara River in the form of a "ice tsunami"The incident happened Monday afternoon at the border between the United States and Canada.

According to the US National Weather Service, it's a phenomenon "particularly dangerous", The ice blocks driven by the storm reaching the walls up 9 meters high.

Usually, this type of event is seen favored by a sudden increase in temperaturewhich causes the melting of the ice and its subsequent splitting. In this way, the action of the wind and the current of the river drives the blocks into a kind of avalanche.

A family walks along Mather Park in Fort Erie (Source: AP).
A family walks along Mather Park in Fort Erie (Source: AP).

After learning about what happened, the Niagara Falls National Park Police immediate alert to the inhabitants of the region via Twitter and ordered the closing several roads to prevent accidents. "Strong winds blow, throwing the ice beyond the lake's retaining wall, with caution," the authorities warned.

L & # 39; alert


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