In a climate of tension, the yellow vests move their demonstration towards the interior of France


In Paris, the Interior Ministry refused permission to organize a demonstration supposed to start Avenue des Champs-Elysees, ravaged two weeks ago. So, according to Facebook pages, the only planned mobilization in the capital will leave from the east station to reach the Trocadero square, in front of the Eiffel Tower.

The French government will repeat the police operation last Saturday, which included the military deployment of the anti-terrorist Sentinel device against protect monuments, institutional and tourist sites.

For this reason, the yellow vests will achieve their main national mobilization in the city of Avignon, while other similar events are expected in Bordeaux, Toulouse and Rennes, cities where the tension is repeated every Saturday since the wave of protest against the government of President Emmanuel Macron began in mid-November.

The government's fear of a renewed escalation of violence was heightened this week by the controversy sparked earlier this week by Macron, who blamed a 73-year-old protester. "little caution" after being beaten by the police in Nice, in the south-east of France.

The Attorney General, who had initially ruled out the responsibility of the police, reversed the situation today and acknowledged the responsibility of an agent. French media have revealed that Authorities fear that the episode and controversies of the week will eventually increase the tension.


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