In a few hours, the IMF mission arrives in Buenos Aires | Chronic


The IMF mission will finally arrive on Saturday 24th in our country to meet Argentine officials and economic advisers to the presidential candidates.

A technical team led by Roberto Cardarelli He will travel to Buenos Aires on the first day of the weekend, confirmed a spokesman for the agency.

"The team will meet the Argentine authorities to badyze the recent economic and financial events and the government's political plans"he said.

The team will also meet with economic advisers of the main presidential candidates for an exchange of views, they explained to the multilateral agency.

The IMF is expected to complete the fifth revision of the program to rotate the last disbursement planned for Argentina for $ 5.4 billion.

To this end, the Fund's mission will examine compliance with budgetary, monetary and economic objectives and meet with the Minister of the Economy, Hernán Lacunzaand the head of the central bank, Guido Sandleris, among others.

Meetings are also planned with William Nielsen and Cecilia Todesca, the two economic referents of Alberto Fernandez; and Marco Lavagna, son of Roberto Lavagna, legislator of the mbadist and economist front, who supports his father in the candidacy for the presidency.

In mid-July, the board of directors of the agency gave the green light to the last disbursement and welcomed the progress of the economic plan, completing 78% of the total loan for the country, which amounted to about $ 56 billion.

The fund was expected to arrive in the country at the beginning of the week, but the change of ownership of the Ministry of Finance was postponed to a later date. "for a time" the arrival of the technical team that comes to examine the country's accounts.


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