In a hard letter, Chomsky and 70 intellectuals asked Trump not to intervene in Venezuela


"By recognizing the President of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, Venezuela's new president, illegal under the OAS Charter, the Donald Trump government has accelerated the political crisis in Venezuela in the past. hope to divide the Venezuelan army and polarize even more the population by forcing her to choose her side, denounced the group of intellectuals in an open letter.

The signatories, including the philosopher and activist Noam Chomsky and the independent rapporteur of the UN Alfred de Zayas, badured that the recognition of Guaidó as the legitimate governor of Venezuela to the detriment of the president Nicolás Maduro by the United States and its allies will worsen the situation in that country and generate "unnecessary human suffering, violence and instability".

"If the Trump Administration and its allies continue their reckless journey to Venezuela, the most likely outcome will be bloodshed, chaos and instability."warned intellectuals, including several history teachers in the United States.

"The obvious and sometimes stated goal is to expel Maduro by a coup d'etat"Intellectuals added, saying the United States should have learned from their regime change societies in Iraq, Syria, Libya or their historic support for regime change in Latin America.

The government of the president Donald Trump was the first to recognize Wednesday the Speaker of Parliament Juan Guaidó as the legitimate ruler of Venezuela.

"Under the Trump administration, aggressive rhetoric against the Venezuelan government has reached an even more extreme and threatening level, officials are talking about a" military action "and condemning Venezuela, as well as Cuba and Nicaragua, as part of a "troika" of tyranny "reminded intellectuals about the White House's national security advisor, John Bolton.

"The United States and its allies, including OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro, and Brazil's far-right President Jair Bolsonaro have pushed Venezuela to the edge of the precipice."they badured.

Finally, the signatories affirmed that the only solution is to "This is a negotiated agreement, as was the case in the past in Latin American countries, when politically polarized societies could not resolve their differences through elections. ".


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