In a hurry, Macri offered a 20% salary increase for the armed forces


On May 29, Macri promised wage improvements; July 2 gave a meager sum, and yesterday committed 20%

  On May 29, Macri promised wage improvements; July 2 gave a meager sum, and yesterday committed 20%

President Mauricio Macri announced a change in his policy of rescheduling salary for the armed forces, who yesterday promised a rise "above 20% "With that, he will cancel the update of the 8 points announced last week, which led to an open conflict with the military sector, which decided to suspend the military parade on July 9th.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces released the decision yesterday, at a meeting at Olivos Residence with Defense Minister Oscar Aguad; Chief of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Bari del Valle Sosa; of the army, Claudio Pasqualini; According to Libertador building information, Macri explained that a "fiscal effort" was made to recompose salaries, rank the scales and continue with the "Libertador Building". money laundering promised and challenged by last week's measure.

With this new announcement, the military forces will have a reenactment promised in the campaign and reiterated on May 29, during the celebration of Army Day. . For the moment, the recomposition is five points higher than that of soldiers from the gendarmerie, Naval prefecture, the federal police and the airport police, who depend on the Ministry of Security, Patricia Bullrich. Despite this, the federal forces continue to be better paid.

Mirá too

He met the camera authorities who represent the owners of service stations. They raised their concern about quotas for the sale of liquid fuels

This "budget effort" of Casa Rosada, at a time when all expenses are spared to reduce the fiscal deficit, actually replaces "the patriotic effort" that Macri had asked him for at the time. private meeting, also in Olivos, Aguad and Bari Sosa, a few days before the publication of a joint resolution establishing the average increase of 8% for the lower rungs and fixed amounts for the highest rungs of career . The president justified him in the dire economic situation, and even went so far as to say that the army is "the armed forces of a melting country."

Of what little officially happened, the new offer for military personnel includes 3% money laundering to phase out the fixed amounts that currently feed their salaries, and will in fact be 15% , in three sections like the rest of the national public administration, to which will be added a percentage by hierarchy to reach the above 20%

The change of market, at the moment when the government intends not to not open new outbreaks of conflict, also responds to a subsequent plan, which stipulates the involvement of the armed forces in domestic security tasks, in order to have effective forces that can fulfill the police duties in the urban conglomerates. With the announcement last week, the domes of each weapon have indicated that they would not accept such a provision.

The announcement calms the waters before Comrade's dinner with the Armed Forces, which takes place traditionally in July, and where the President could use to give more signals on the forces.

Yesterday again, the civilian staff of the Ministry of Defense demonstrated at the headquarters of the Institute of Social Projects of the Armed Forces (Iosfa), asking for a salary equalization that puts his income above the poverty line established by Indec

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