in a parity scenario, Senate exhibits have begun –


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The Senate began Tuesday the series of exhibitions for and against the legalization of abortion at a plenary session in committee, with the presence of representatives of Health, Criminal Law

On this first day, the Health, Justice and Constitutional Affairs Committees received 18 speakers, each of whom had seven minutes to speak, after which the senators were able to ask them questions.

meaning, Mario Fiad, head of the Health Commission and head of the debate said: "It is very important that this treatment is developed in a transparent way, which is why I want to highlight the plurality of voices expressed in this first "

" There was a debate based on respect and diversity of opinions, in which senators could I would like to hear different positions and arguments, as well as ask questions about the doubts we had about exhibitions, "added MP Jujeño.

The exhibition began with the former director of the council. María Lucila Colombo, who considers that abortion "is not a woman's right", but that "women should not be penalized" for having recourse to this practice and that "the vote of rejection gives no answer to reality "

He also remarked to the Minister of Health, Adolfo Rubinstein, that he claimed that" he argues that abortion must be legalized, but in the rooms there are no condoms and contraceptives and the health programs are dismantled.

For his part, Rabbi Fernando Szlajen baderted that a person is legal and unscientific ", but that legalization" is not the solution to illegal abortion ", the time that compared it with" euthanasia ". [19659005] Lawyer Manuel García Mansilla said: "The right to life is recognized in the highest hierarchy. Abortion is a crime with some grounds for non-punishment. They intend to guarantee it as if it was a right, but that supposed right does not exist. "

In turn, urologist Fernando Secin also ruled against:" We, the doctors, believe that the legalization of abortion could public health and we express an absolute rejection of this bill. "

The psychobadyst and member of the National Campaign for the Right to Legal Abortion, Safe and Free, Martha Rosemberg, emphasized:" Women and pregnant bodies have the power to conceive and deliver, or not. To exercise it concerns our knowledge and our understanding: we are people who have the right to decide our bodies and their vicissitudes. "

" You have the opportunity to turn pain into rights, that's all that is legislator. Women, girls and adolescents are denied the rights, "he added.

Meanwhile, the president of the Foundation, Pedro Cahn, was comparing the lawsuit. conscientious objection to legalization. "It is similar to the factual objection that many practiced with HIV-positive people at the beginning of the epidemic. It was almost the abandonment of the person, "said Cahn, who recalled that" at that time in the clinic where he was working, those who badociated HIV with homobaduals came " burn the first 400 medical records. "

:" When abortion is legal, women will not only have access to safer practice, but also to contraceptive methods to avoid unwanted pregnancies. "

"When a woman decides to terminate the pregnancy, there is only one life to protect, that of the woman," he said, while justifying the 14-week period for abortion by stating that menstruation is taken into account for that.

explained "a woman will notice a pregnancy just in week four" and said, "If we shorten the deadline, fewer women, basically the youngest and most vulnerable, will be able to access the practice

The list of speakers was prepared by the Presidents of the three committees, Mario Fiad (Health), Pedro Guastavino (Justice and Crime Minelles) and Dalmacio Mera (Constitutional Affairs), in accordance with the preferences of the senators (each may suggest up to two exhibitors)

Tuesday, July 24, the Senate will receive the following: Current Minister of Health, Adolfo Rubinstein, and the former minister of this portfolio Ginés González García. (

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