In an unprecedented decision, the secondary of a 15-year-old girl was approved


"This type of decision will establish a jurisprudence and I have no doubt that it will start to increase exorbitantly, because there are many children of these characteristics in Argentina," said Daniel Ricart, owner of A foundation that, among other things, supports "talented children".

"This It is one of those cases where justice ends up solving what the education system is unable to do.Beyond the fact that section 93 of the National Education Act tells us how the system should be flexible before children with high intellectual abilities, "he told Javier Firpo. Clarin the national coordinator of inclusive education of the Ministry of National Education, Cristina Lovari.

The teenager whose initials are BR He acknowledged having completed high school in the United States and urged the General Council of Entre Ríos Education to consider cases of children and children. Gifted teenagers who do not find an academic setting that contains them correctly.

One of the cameramen said: "It is relevant to note that the teenager has already completed high school and that the doors have been opened for admission to the university. retrograde its possibilities would be inconsistent with the sense of protection pursued towards it"Now, the girl is studying mathematics at the National University of Santa Fe Coastal.

In accordance with what he records Clarinthis is the first time that the Argentinian justice insists on the respect of the article 93 of the law on education, to which only Salta and Jujuy conform.

According to this article, "the jurisdictional educational authorities will organize or facilitate the design of programs for the identification, early assessment, follow-up and orientation of students with particular abilities or talents and the flexibility or the extension of the schooling process ".


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