"In Argentina, more than 30,000 people disappeared during the dictatorship" – Cba24n


Pope Francis was interviewed by the Spanish journalist Jordi Evole of the "Salvados" program.

During the interview, which lasted 71 minutes, the Sovereign Pontiff addressed several themes: homobaduality, abuse in the Church, feminism, disappearances and immigration.

Latin America: Venezuela and the wall in Mexico

On Venezuela, Francisco said that he had tried to settle the dispute but had "failed".

"He who raises a wall finds himself prisoner of the wall he has erected, it is the universal law, if you build a wall on your person, you end up being prisoner of the wall you have raised", he said about Donald Trump and his decision to build a wall on the Mexican border.

"They were over 30,000"

Jordi Evole asked the pope about the disappeared under the dictatorship of Francisco Franco and the need to identify the bodies found.

The pope replied: "In Argentina, there were more than 30,000 at the time of the dictatorship."

"I approached that, I have always defended the right to the truth about what happened, the right to a burial worthy of finding corpses.In Argentina, this continues to happen. to be done, it is a right not only of the family, of society.A society can not smile at the future, having its dead hidden.You will never be at peace with a hidden death, "he added. .

Feminism and homobaduality

"Trends are not a sin," said Francisco on homobaduality.

"Never go home because he has a homobadual tendency," he added.

However, he said that for Western culture and the family, a person is "strange".

As far as feminism is concerned, Francisco rectified a sentence he had already said: "Feminism is a machismo with polleras".

"The correct sentence is: every feminism can run the risk of becoming a machismo with skirts," he said.

Abuse in the church

"In covering, it is spreading," said the Pope about abuses committed in the Church. He called for the creation of a "culture of discovery" to prevent further abuse.

Before criticizing the lack of "concrete" measures at the summit for abuses, Francisco said the summit had launched processes that could end the problem.

The crisis of immigration

"The biggest problem in Europe for me, is that it was forgotten, it was when, after the war, his children were knocking on the doors of the city." America, "he said of the migrant crisis in Europe.

At a press conference on a plane bound for Morocco, the pope acknowledged to reporters that he had cried when he had seen the barbed wire fence of Melilla in Spain.

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