In Brazil, Dujovne received a boost to "stabilization efforts" in Argentina


The Minister met his Brazilian counterpart, Paulo Guedes, in Rio de Janeiro Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ricardo Pristupluk

RIO DE JANEIRO.- In the middle of the

financial shocks

Argentina has suffered a lot in recent days, Brazil strongly supported this morning the standardization measures taken by the Government of

Mauricio Macri.

"We will support all efforts of stabilization of Argentina, we will support the efforts of integration and stabilization, we wish to clarify that we fully support Ministers Dujovne and Macri, they have our full support," said the high minister of the Brazilian economy, Paulo. Guedes, after being interviewed in Rio de Janeiro with his Argentine counterpart,

Nicolás Dujovne

, to deal with business problems.

Dujovne arrived early this morning and, accompanied by the Argentine consul in Rio de Janeiro, Claudio Gutiérrez, attended the meeting with Guedes in the offices of the Ministry of Economy, which lasted less than 30 days. ;one o'clock. Before the press, although officials have sought to highlight the harmony between the two Mercosur partner countries in negotiations with the European Union with a view to concluding a free trade agreement. deferred exchange, the turbulence in our country have largely contributed to this interest.


Jair Bolsonaro

He has a huge affinity with President Macri and myself with Minister Dujovne. We therefore give our full support to the stabilization initiatives of the Argentine government, "said Guedes before Dujovne's silent consent at his side.

We are going to make our country and region the size of our dreams and not the nightmares we are already experiencing

Brazilian journalists have warned that unrest in Argentina has already had negative effects in Brazil, where the real has devalued significantly against the dollar in recent days.

"So we are nervous together and together we are going to calm down, I think that Brazil is conducting its reforms well and that Argentina is also doing very well its stabilization efforts there, we will dream together, we will do in so that our countries and our region is the size of our dreams and not the nightmares we are already experiencing, "concluded the Brazilian Minister before concluding the brief conversation with the press.


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