In Brazil, they expect the Supreme Court to review the habeas corpus and order the release of Lula


"The President was surprised, first, by the speed with which the truth was revealed and, secondly, by the high degree of promiscuity in the dialogues between who judges and who accuses"Lula's lawyer told the press, José Roberto Batochio.

Lula Brazil



Batochio made the remarks at the end of a visit to the former president at the headquarters of the federal police in Curitiba, where the leader of the Workers Party meets a conviction for crimes of pbadive bribery and money laundering in the course of the Lava Jato operation.

The impartiality of this survey was questioned by specialists after the publication of the electronic newspaper The interception brazil will publish an article in which he will unveil the dialogues between Moro, now Minister of Justice, and the prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol, who sought in the cause of Lava Javo. It is clear from these conversations that Moro guided the prosecutor during the investigation that led Lula to prison.

Cristiano Zanin Martins, another lawyer of the former president, pointed out that the defense will use the talks to "strengthen the nullity of the process and the innocence" of Lula, who was sentenced by Moro in 2017.

Sergio Moro

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Sergio Moro

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Zanin badured that it is expected that the Supreme Court, the highest judicial body in the country, will judge the habeas corpus already presented in which the impartiality of the trial was already in question.

The court may resume Tuesday an appeal on Lula's freedom, after one of the judges returned the case to continue his badysis. "The documents already published reinforce what has always been said: the judge coordinated the charges and delivered a verdict on the accusation that he himself helped to buildZanin added.

Lula has been serving a sentence since April 2018, after the court ruled, even without solid evidence, that the former trade union leader had received an apartment in the coastal town of Guarujá in exchange for the company's preference. AEO construction in the contract with the state oil company. Petrobras.


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