In Brussels, they attack the "maneuvers and the inability" of the British Prime Minister – 20/03/2019


Against the vice of asking the virtue of not giving. After months of promising to take her country out of the European Union on March 29th, British Prime Minister Theresa May has faced the reality. There is no parliamentary majority that approves the agreement reached with the EU, it does not even have the unity of his government, he did not prepare his country to jump into the void that would involve leaving the block without agreements and has already permanently lost any sense of confidence from their European counterparts.

May yesterday sent the letter requesting an extension to Brussels. He asked to postpone the departure for three months, until June 30 next. And asked the European leaders to approve the additional guarantees offered on 11 March by the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, which have been voted on in the House of Commons which may never to be removed before.

May's letter provoked a strong reaction as the bloc's institutions are fed up with "the inability of the prime minister and the British political games". Berlin set the tone. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that "the letter of May does not even solve one of the problems, it only makes them move forward".

Last test. Theresa May speaks the country and challenges legislators. AP

Last test. Theresa May speaks the country and challenges legislators. AP

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src ="

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The European Commission has launched the first bomb. In a document that Clarín was able to consult, the EU executive branch ensured that the extension "poses a serious political and legal risk" and has recommended to the leaders to only accept it "until May 23, the organization of European elections "on British territory.

Juncker had said in the morning of May not to ask beyond May 23, when the European elections should be held in the UK, but the British turned a deaf ear, stirring even more anger than the European Office has come to believe that "we are not obliged to grant the extension, we leave aside very important debates that we do not treat because we are kidnapped by Brexit".

The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, is a generally smiling man. Yesterday, I had another face. Speaking on behalf of the 27 other heads of government in the bloc, he returned the ball to London. Tusk explained that the extension is possible, but that it will be conditioned to the third week after, the British MPs will vote for the third time and approve the exit agreement. If they do not do it, there will be no short extension. London would have the opportunity to ask for a long extension, to participate in the European elections and to forget the "Brexit" at least until the middle of 2020.

Theresa May and Juan-Claude Junker. Difficult relationship

Theresa May and Juan-Claude Junker. Difficult relationship

European governments are hardening their position, even those who, like the German, seemed more flexible. Norbert Röttgen, chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the German Bundestag, very close to Angela Merkel, said in the afternoon: "The letter of May has no value because it does not have the support of its Juncker is right: the leaders should postpone their decision until the United Kingdom presents the agreement already approved.The EU can not become an accomplice to the internal maneuvers of May. "

France followed the same line of discomfort.

The bloc's diplomats explained that the May letter was late and that it was at the same time hasty. A diplomat from a Scandinavian country told Clarin that there was another solution: do not they know how to get out and do not they want to leave? Well, they have nine days to cancel everything and cancel the process. "


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