In Cambiemos, the Kirchner should express on the "ideas for the country to succeed"


Senate provisional President Federico Pinedo said today that "we have begun a frank conversation phase, and this is what is needed to reach an agreement," referring to the 10 points of the fundamental public policies announced. by the government and proposed to the spaces. opponents.

He also pointed out that if the Kirchner were willing to agree "on general ideas for the country to be healthy, they should decide on it".

Pinedo told Miter radio that during his trip this week to New York, alongside MPs Luciano Laspina (Cambiemos) and Marco Lavagna (Frente Renovador), they held meetings "with US Treasury officials and funds "investment," Mbadista legislator "was very adamant in stating that we share the long-term goals, which has generated a very positive effect."

Alfredo Cornejo, governor of Mendoza and holder of the UCR, who should join Peronists like Roberto Lavagna, Miguel Pichetto, Juan Manuel Urtubey and Sergio Mbada in place of Cambiemos, said: "My task (in the Senate) is to conclude agreements with Peronism, and I do it with pleasure because I see all the consensus that can be reached. "

He added: "Having said that, we need to see if Peronism wants to be part of Cambiemos, we should ask for it."


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