In Chicago, they recommend "do not talk or breathe" in the street because of the cold


Nor hot enough for those Americans who live in the north of the country, a region that will experience this week's most intense cold wave "in a generation." Meteorologists predicted that the minimum temperature would exceed -30 ° C and that the thermal sensation would reach -45 ° C because of icy winds. In this scenario, experts recommend extreme measures to the citizens of Chicago, one of the most affected regions: Do not talk and do not breathe deeply in the street.

Although the opinion seems unusual, the authorities stressed that it was of vital importance to avoid any type of illness. "To protect your lungs severe cold air, minimize conversations and do not breathe, "they pointed out.

From the National Meteorological Service, they explained that a person can freeze in minutes if she goes out.
From the National Meteorological Service, they explained that a person can freeze in minutes if she goes out.

Temperatures will drop in Chicago to the point where meteorologists have revealed that it would be colder than Everest or Antarctica. "I would say that the intensity of this cold air is unique in this last generation"commented John Gagan, expert of the National Weather Service (NWS) in the United States.

From NWS they also warned that it is possible for a person freeze in less than 10 minutes if he goes outside in such extreme conditions and asked the population to take the corresponding security measures.

At least 10 states have declared emergency because of the strong polar wave.
At least 10 states have declared emergency because of the strong polar wave.

The reasons this phenomenon occurs is that a The arctic air mbad is detached from the polar vortex which generally surrounds the North Pole. And this is only due to the consequences generated by global warming.

Specialists have noticed that it was the most extreme polar wave
Specialists pointed out that it was the most extreme polar wave of the current generation ".

The expert from the Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Studies, Judah Cohen, explained that last month there had been hot air flow from Morocco that caused a rise in temperatures from the air in the pole. This fragmentation into pieces with a polar vortex, these fragments began to migrate and caused the freezing temperatures that the United States undergo.

In the beautiful Midwest, wind chill temperatures reach minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In the coming days, we expect it to get even colder. People can not stay out even for a few minutes. What's going on with Global Waming? Come back soon, we need you!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 29, 2019

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump, who questions the existence of climate change, has taken the opportunity to joke about it. "In the beautiful Midwest, the temperature of the wind drops to -51 ° C (-60 ° F), the highest cold recorded, and in the coming days, it is expected that (thermometers) will continue to fall It can be out even for a few minutes. What is happening with global warming? Please, come back soon, we need you!", tweeted the president.

His childlike attitude did not go unnoticed, and a few hours later, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued a message, which for many was a direct response to the Head of State. "Winter storms they do not prove that global warming is not happening "they pointed to their social networks.


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