In Chile, amid riots and looting, a LED TV was stolen and looks what happened | Chronic


The Chilean government has decreed the state of emergency to control areas of Santiago that were the scene of several protests Friday against the president's economic policy. Sebastian Piñera.

In a state of chaos, several people took advantage of the moment to loot various businesses and supermarkets.

The video of a man who stole a son and who was arrested by the protesters themselves became viral through social networks.

In the recording, you can see how the subject drags the television, but they stop it, take it off and burn it in the middle of the street.

Since last Monday, hundreds of people, including high school students and high school students, have launched protest actions to raise 30 Chilean pesos in the price of bus tickets decreed two weeks ago, until the end of the day. the $ 830 1.2 dollars) in rush hour.


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