In Chile, they ask that Cristina Kirchner has received the letter from San Martín to O. Higgins – 02/05/2019


The O. Higginiano Institute has asked the Chilean authorities to take formal steps so that the letter sent by José de San Martín to Chile's liberator, Bernardo O. Higgins, returns this country.

The landmark document sent by the Argentine liberator to his Chilean counterpart in 1835 was found last year during a raid on the residence of former president Cristina Kirchner in El Calafate, currently under guard General Archives of the Nation in Buenos Aires.

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The theme came back to revive the launch of the book "Sincerely", recently presented by the former president, in which she claims that the letter was presented by the Russian President Vladimir Poutinewhen she was in charge of the Argentine nation. "She said to me, this is for you, President. "When I opened the box and saw the original letter from San Martin to O. Higgins, I almost died." The answer was immediate and I did not see it. surprised even more: "We sent her to buy for you in New York," wrote Cristina in her book.

The newspaper El Mercurio de Chile consulted the historian and general secretary of the Higginiano Institute, Yerko Torrejón, who pointed out that "It is desirable that a document of this nature comes back to Chile"

The letter – which was part of the archives of the writer, historian and politician Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna (1831-1886) – It was lost during a move in 1979 of National Archives documents.

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The general secretary of the Institute O. Higginiano said: "We hope that there will be a formal initiative of government bodies for their recovery"

Similarly, the journalist Alfredo Sepulveda, author of the biography of Bernardo O. Higgins, baderted that "this type of documents must belong to a public fund, in Chile or Argentina, but not to private companies".

Emilio Perina, director of the General Archives of the Nation and headquartered in Buenos Aires, told El Mercurio that "in my opinion, from an ethical point of view, if a president receives from such gifts, his first thing to do is call the General Archives of the nation and put him back in custody "

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On the version that Putin acquired in New York, Perina pointed out that "confirms our hypothesis that this letter has long circulated on illegal markets. Quietly, it could have been sold in New York or in any other auction. I know that there was a change of file in Chile in the seventies and that the document disappeared "

Regarding the return of the letter to Chile, he replied that "if it depends on me, the letter will be returned to Chile, good archival practices indicate that we have already digitized it and that it is at the disposition of citizens ".


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