In China, they seek to reduce the use of screens in boys to fight against myopia


Chinese politicians have joined the controversy of Impact of screens on vision. Zhejiang Province has developed a regulation to reduce its use at school, as it has observed high rates of myopia in high school and university children.

The legislation will prohibit educational institutions from sending homework through applicationswhile seeking to limit the use of mobile devices to 30% of total teaching time. Also, encourage the return to paper and pencil to complete the activities by hand.

Currently, Teachers use applications such as WeChat or QQ to send images with homework. For this reason, the guys complete them by looking at a screen. The new regulation – which incorporates some of the suggestions made by the education authorities at national level – would put an end to these practices.

While The rate of total myopia in China is 31%, against 77% among high school students and 80% in college. The figures show the problem the country faces and that is why several provinces have adopted similar strategies to those of Zhejiang.

And what is happening with elementary students? The regulation also states that children can not bring electronic devices to clbadrooms without permission; it limits the amount of homework that can be badigned to them and increases recess, sports and extracurricular activities. It also states that written badignments should not be sent in the first and second years. Of course, these measures do not involve the total abandonment of the technology, but limit it to a complementary role.

The Myopia is a common vision disorder where close objects are clearly seen and distant objects are blurred. According to the Mayo Clinic, this can happen including reading and writing a lot, as well as performing computer work. A study by the University of Toledo (USA) had already established a link between blue light screens and vision loss.


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