In Colombia, a pregnant baby is born from his own twin brother


March 19, 2019
– 10:03

The incident occurred in Barranquilla and they had to undergo a caesarean section so that the baby could be born without problems. The "twin" that was in the belly of the baby had no heart or brain.

This is a strange case. A Colombian woman called Monica Vega An ultrasound was performed in the seventh month of pregnancy and, to her surprise, she discovered that a smaller fetus was forming in her baby's womb.

The event was held in Barranquilla and was broadcast by a local program, but the information was maximized and reached mainstream media in Latin America. As we know, this corresponds to a rare alteration of the embryonic development called "fetus in fetu".


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The strange case occurs once in a million. This is a phenomenon that occurs when cells do not divide at the right time. The strange case of this girl, who later called Itzamara, is a unique phenomenon in the world.

The doctor explained that it was not possible to wait until the 40th week, as this could be "dangerous" for the girl's health, because the "brother" could continue to develop in she.

Caesarean section was performed at the 37th week of pregnancy and then a sort of "caesarean section" was performed to extract the fetus. He had developed the extremities but had neither heart nor brain. In other words, he could live only in absolute dependence on the "baby".


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