In Colombia, they do not let in people called Maduro | Chronic


On March 11, the fifth day of the power outage in Venezuela, a Argimiro Maduro they did not allow him to cross the Colombian border from La Guajira department in Paraguachón to reach the city of Rio Grande do Norte. He was accompanied by his wife, Mariangeles Cerberg and his three children, in addition to his sister-in-law, Marie Antoinettewith her family.

The family was heading to Colombia because the two men in the group were insulin-dependent. the lack of electricity It was urgent for them to refrigerate their medicines. The idea was to stay in Colombia "five days" until the service is restored, according to immigration officials quoted by The spectator.

But one reason did not allow them to get into it and the whole family: Argimiro called Maduro, as the president of Venezuela.

The director of Migration Colombia, Christian Krüger, explained in a video that Argimiro Maduro was not allowed to enter this country because of the decision of the government of Iván Duque to ban the entry of parents, relatives or persons related to the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

According to Krüger, Argimiro and his family are among 300 "close to dictator Maduro", that Colombia will not allow them "free admission".

Krüger said the measure was part of an agreement by the Lima group, to which Colombia belongs, aimed at restricting the region's mobilization of government officials presiding over the Venezuelan president, their relatives or badociates. management.

"This list continues to lengthen, make sure that all those close to Maduro will not be mobilized freely in the region"warned Krüger.

For its part, the Argimiro family denies having any relationship with the Venezuelan president. In a videodisplay of Semana magazine, Marie Antoinette (the sister-in-law) said that the name Maduro can have a thousand people, "It's unfair that they make us", he added.

I also read: <A href = " Colombia-y-he-said-puppet-to-Guaido-20190223-0032.html "target =" _ blank ">Maduro broke off relations with Colombia and said "puppet" in Guaidó

This is not the first time that Migración Colombia takes this type of measure. To the Venezuelan singer Omar Enrique they also forbade him to enter Colombia because of his "proximity" with the Bolivarian Revolution, since it was part of the group of artists that accompanied the former president Hugo Chavez during the 2012 election campaign.

Is he a relative of Maduro?

Colombian media baptized Argimiro "Maduro's cousin". Faced with controversy, the digital director of media NT24, Maryorin Méndez, said that the said was unfamiliar to the president.

ERROR | Family that was prevented pbadage in Colombia, are not related to Maduro. The coincidence in the family name has two families and their children terrified by any retaliation. They come from Maracaibo. I just contacted them. The migration in Colombia needs to clarify.

– Maryorin Méndez✒ (@maryorinmendez)
March 12, 2019

Faced with controversy, Nicolas Maduro Guerra, son of the Venezuelan president, published on his profile a tweet in which he emphasizes that the people involved in the incident, including Argimiro, have no connection with his family.

Maduro Guerra wrote that Argimiro's relations with his family were "desire to ridicule oneself before looking better".

They should check better. These citizens have no relationship with my family. You want to ridicule yourself before you investigate better. We will win !!! Long live the Bolivarian motherland !!!

– NicolasMaduroGuerra (@nicmaduroguerra)
March 12, 2019


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