In Comodoro, they expressed their support for the Chilean people


The call having taken place this afternoon, dozens of inhabitants of the city have adhered to the measure intended to make visible the situation of conflict which crosses the neighboring country.

Social organizations, environmentalists and leftist parties have joined the call to a "Ruidazo" to denounce repression in Chile. The demonstrators gathered around noon at the doors of the Chilean consulate. The place was guarded by at least three police officers.

However, after singing: "Chile, listen, your fight is our fight", there was no mess or inconvenience, there was a time for each space to speak, a request burning resignation of President Sebastian Piñera. The call to Comodoro is not isolated, it was the same in Caleta Olivia and other cities in the country. In the case of Buenos Aires, the concentration ended with incidents and detainees.

In Comodoro, the MST, the PSTU, the Left Front, members of the Environmental and Social Forum of Patagonia and the neighbors in general were present.



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