In Córdoba, retail sales fell 2.9% in June


Córdoba.- Retail sales of SME stores in the province of Córdoba ended the month of June with a decrease of 2.9% compared to the same month of the previous year, according to the data revealed by the Commercial Federation of Córdoba (Fedecom).

With this decline, Cordoba's sales volume has contracted a 4.2% contraction in the first half compared to the same period last year.

"The economic situation is unstable, there is a high degree of uncertainty.The rise of the dollar generates the transfer to prices and the loss of purchasing power that results in the consumer public who is careful and consumes what is right and necessary, "said Ezequiel Cerezo, vice president of Fedecom.

It should be remembered that in June of last year, there had already been a decline in sales compared to June 2016. This had been 4.1%.

"We had already seen it with Father's Day sales The same economic uncertainty at the national level is what explains why for the celebration of Father's Day, sales had a negative interannual performance of 3.5%, "said Mr. Cerezo.

In this sense, the commercial leadership celebrates the decision of the national government that announced a few days ago the extension until the end of the year of the promotion plan for consumption Now 12, because it's an instrument that can contain – among other things – in sales.

The Fedecom statistics department has reflected that with data for the month of June, it is accumulating the fourth consecutive month of decline in retail sales; It will be remembered that in May the decline was 1.7, in April, 1.1% yoy, and in March, 0.4% after the beginning of the year with results 1.7% and 0.2% positive in the months of January and February, mainly due to the positive seasonal impact generated by the tourist flow.

Of the 19 items studied by the entity, only one of them reached a positive value in the annual comparison: Appliances (1.2%). Ten exhibits (food and beverages, shoes, sports, hardware, jewelery and watchmaking, leather goods, building materials, furniture, white textiles and textiles) and eight remained unchanged (bazaar and gifts, jewelery, candy, pharmacy, toy store and Stationery, Electrical Supplies, Tires and Perfumery).

Among those who recorded declines can be mentioned with special emphasis, to the category of food and beverages, with a decrease of 1% from one year to the next. Here it is also necessary to mention the agreement with the data provided by our partner entity, the Warehouse Center, self-service shops and Córdoba retail stores, which states that the monthly increase recorded on the base basket five months of the year 16.52% and a projection of 30.50% to close 2018.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the decrease recorded in the province of Cordoba was lower than that reported by the Confederation of Argentine Medium Enterprises (CAME), which reported that the average contraction in the country was 4.2% YoY in the month of June.

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