In El Mondongo decided to stop paying taxes for the "terrible" wave of insecurity


This was resolved in the neighborhood badembly and this morning they made a presentation in the municipality addressed to Mayor Julio Garro

Faced with an irresistible wave of robberies, the Assembly El Mondongo district presents a note to the municipality of La Plata tomorrow where they express that in the absence of security responses the neighbors have decided to stop paying taxes. The presentation made effective today is addressed to Mayor Julio Garro and was motivated by a new entradero that was recorded in the day yesterday, the seventh in 30 days that the neighbors told this newspaper, in addition to aggression in the stores and the sale of medicines. "The commune plan has no results, so an identical presentation to clarify these points that we will do at the Ministry of Security, to see how you can perform operations in the region, with Migrations, by illegal who work and sell drugs in the neighborhood, "said one of the leaders of the badembly. That's why they asked the police "to do what he has to do, it's take care of us."

SEE ALSO.- He resisted a robbery in El Mondongo and wounded him in front of his family

] As reported, this move comes from an investigation which was made on the website of the El Mondongo neighborhood badembly, in which 66% voted for the affirmative before the consultation if he agreed to stop paying municipal taxes . "After having informed us legally we know that the tax rebellion does not violate a crime, more when the state must be present and this is not the case," they added, "if we pay our taxes so that they take care of us and not they do it, we will stop paying them so that their pocket hurts as much as it hurts us when they rob us. "

On the presentation to be formalized today In the neighborhood badembly municipality, it was stated that neighborhood neighbors are looking for a return to combat the insecurity and drug sales that is developing with the activity in the red zone, but we do not see the interests of the parties, Mayor Garro and his local police. "[19659006] Carlos Lijavetzky, representative of the badembly, justified the warning of the neighbors of El Mondongo to stop paying the municipal tax of the Platense Collection Agency ( APR) "until no action is taken to curb Lijaveztzky recalled that" since the murder of the doctor, three years ago, we were dealing with the issue of insecurity, which is more and more terrible "and that" we continue to ask more patrols in front of the seat of the criminals "

" We are constantly in dialogue with Martínez Paz, chief of the local police, with the Commissioner Soler of the 9th borough, with municipal authorities and with officials from all political backgrounds, but we need it the municipality adopts the necessary measures to begin to end this difficult situation of mixture of insecurity, drug and red zone . "

Also, indicated that next week will present a note to the Ministry of Security of the Province of Buenos Aires that steps be taken to solve the problem of insecurity in Mondongo.

" The diagnosis of what happens with the insecurity is done, then the competent body is at fault. It's like when a doctor has a diagnosis and does nothing to help the patient. We are in this situation with the authorities because of the lack of convincing answers to this suffering of the inhabitants of El Mondongo. "

Lijaveztky added that residents still have expectations that the communal authorities" are devoting themselves to the problem seriously, realizing what they promise "and they again insisted that one key points to go forward "is the eradication of the red zone", on which El Mondongo is still pursuing discussions to try to propose a proposal that will be accompanied by the various actors involved in the problem. [19659011] [ad_2]
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