In Entre Ríos harvested the worst soybean campaign in 18 years – 15/07/2018


With the threshing of the second finished batches, the balance of the soybean crop in Entre Ríos is as bad as expected. During the last season only 1,103,817 tons were harvested; that is, 67% less than what had occurred in the previous cycle (2,277,070 tonnes), according to data published just by Entrerriana Grain Exchange.

According to the entity, it is the worst crop in the world. Oilseeds in 18 years, despite the fact that the planted area had increased by 1% over last year and had reached 1.2 million hectares.

"The impact of drought, which began to occur in mid-November 2017, and repeated rainfall from late April to early May caused a drastic drop in potential yield. of crop and deterioration of the commercial quality of the seed, "explain the technicians of the entity

The combination of these factors resulted in the loss of 69 500 hectares, or 6% of the total area implanted. The provincial average yield was only 968 kilos per hectare and reflected a 66% decline, a decrease of 1,853 kilos per hectare from last year.

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