In Germany, they accuse a former guard of a police camp …


A former guard of the Sachsenhausen Nazi concentration camp in Germany it was accused of aiding and abetting the murder of 3,518 prisoners. The The prosecution estimated that although he is 100 years old, he can be tried for these crimes.

The man is accused of having aided and encouraged “knowingly and deliberately”, between 1942 and 1945, to the murder of the prisoners of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, in Oranienburg, a city north of Berlin.

He would have been part of the field guards battalion until February 1945. He currently resides in the Brandenburg region, near Berlin.

The Neuruppin Regional Court must now decide whether he is fit to stand trialor. More than 75 years after the end of World War II, a 10 criminal investigations related to Nazi crimes are still ongoing.

A 95-year-old former SS guard at Stutthof camp was charged in July with aiding and abetting the murder of several hundred prisoners. His ability to appear in court is still being assessed and there is no date set for the trial.

In July 2020, the Hamburg court sentenced Bruno Dey, a 93-year-old former concentration camp guard, to two years in prison for complicity in 5,232 murder and attempted murder cases in Stutthof.

Lawyer Andrej Umansky, author of a book on the Shoah (Holocaust), observed that even so many years later, justice allows “to give voice to victims, to their families, and to return the facts to the public conscience ”.


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